About Us

These days, it seems like everyone is looking for the perfect banker. They want someone who understands them and their needs, and is able to provide them with the best banking advice. The process of finding this person can be quite difficult. It often takes a long time to find someone that you trust, who is knowledgeable in your area of need, and can provide the type of services that you are looking for.

The challenge for most people is figuring out where to even start looking. It’s hard to know which bankers will be able to help you when there are so many options available out there. Luckily, we have compiled a list of bankers that offer a range of services – from New Project Home Loans, Sub-Sales Property Loans, Commercial Property Loans to business finance guidance – so all you need to do is find one near you!

We are “The Smartest Choice” if you are searching for a team to handles your loans, we offer many services to make sure that you get the best service possible and at an affordable price.

With our experience we can help you find the best way to get your financing done. We will work with you to find out what is best for your individual needs and also what is the most financially sound option.

At Loan Genie Sdn Bhd, our team offer a range of services such as:

– Finding the best mortgage and home loans for your needs, Providing you with helpful information about property mortgages, Giving you property mortgage tips and advice, and Assisting our clients with property / real estates advise and Asset Wealth Management by turning your reserve funds into a “funds generating machine.”

Our Founder & Advisor

Dato’ Sri Adrian Wee

Asia #1 Business Wealth Strategist, Property Entrepreneur, Investor and Author

才华横溢的拿督斯里黄天成拥有着多重身份,他既是著名的国际演讲家、企业导师、房产企业家、室内设计师,也是一位作者,曾著有《富债为王》一书。作为一名世界级演讲家,拿督斯里黄天成是少数东南亚代表之一,通过‘人上人Success Resource’的教育平台与其他世界级演讲家,如安东尼·罗宾、罗伯特·清崎、尼克·维吉克和杰伊·亚伯拉罕同台演讲。他的足迹更是遍布了越南、马来西亚、泰国、新加坡、中国、印度尼西亚、缅甸、老挝和柬埔寨。


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